GATA sat down with the avant-garde artist, cityofbrokendolls to discuss her romantic fascination with love hotels and the pleasure of having multiple identities.

When Romain Slocombe first published his seminal book, City of the Broken Dolls in 1997, the artist made an intriguing statement about a city seeped in violent fantasies and smouldering fetishes. The women in his photographs—broken down and decrepit witnesses to the concoction of lust and technology that we call Tokyo—raised controversial questions about the male gaze and the phenomena of objectification. Yet for some, these images were something closer to revelation; an eye-opening awakening to the power of art and expression.

Cityofbrokendolls is one such artist—who after a brush with this counter-cultural relic—has taken up the mantle of uncompromising art, going so far as to borrow the book’s title in homage to its influence. Her body of work ranging from performances, photography, modelling and DJing, has produced a visual and audio language that embodies subversion and mystery amidst a range of idiosyncratic identities—a perfect representation of Tokyo’s underground art scene.

GATA recently had the pleasure of entering the world of this unique artist—visiting one of her favourite love hotels on the outskirts of Tokyo. The artist had time to explain her artistic rebirth through pole dancing, the magic of the Showa era, as well as her experiences as a member of the noise band Kouan.


GATA: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Could you please introduce yourself to the GATA readers?

cityofbrokendolls: Nice to meet you, I'm cityofbrokendolls. I’m a Tokyo-based performer, model, DJ and the lead of a noise band called Kouan. Thank you for taking an interest in my work.

GATA: cityofbrokendolls、こんにちは! GATA読者に自己紹介をお願いします。cityofbrokendollsとは誰ですか?

cityofbrokendolls: はじめまして, cityofbrokendollsです。東京を拠点にパフォーマンス、モデル、DJ、『公安』というノイズグループのフロントマンなどの活動を行っています。



GATA: What is the origin of the name cityofbrokendolls?

cityofbrokendolls: I borrowed the name cityofbrokendolls from the book City of the Broken Dolls by Romain Slocombe; a photographer I admire the most.

When I was in junior high school, I spent most of my time surfing Tumblr instead of going to school, and that's when I discovered Romain Slocombe, with his photographs of nurses with long, dark hair and young girls whose faces and bodies were wrapped in bandages. For some reason, I felt comfortable with these portraits which lacked the warmth of a human body.

Time passed, and when I started Instagram, I decided to use a word that I liked…that was like a bible, as my username. At first, I was active in my private life, but as my activities expanded, I had more and more opportunities to be recognised as “cityofbrokendolls”.

In order to be recognised as a creator, I feel the need for an original name. I love this name, but it is a borrowed name. So I am currently searching for a new, original name.

GATA: cityofbrokendollsの名前の由来は?

cityofbrokendolls: cityofbrokendollsという名前は私が最も敬愛する写真家の Romain Slocombe による写真集『City of the Broken Dolls 』から拝借しました。

中学生の頃、私は学校にも行かずにひたすらTumblrでネットサーフィンに明け暮れていたのですが、Romain Slocombe の存在はその時に知りました。黒々とした長い髪の看護師の女と、顔も身体も包帯に巻かれた少女の写真。人間の体温を感じられないそのポートレートに、なぜか心地よさを覚えたのでした。



GATA: You seem to have a very distinct visual style that references a lot of Japanese subculture, could you tell us a little bit about the influences for your aesthetic?

cityofbrokendolls: It's not just about visuals, but I think the culture I encountered on Tumblr in my early teens formed my base. Nowadays, Tumblr is strictly regulated against adult and violent content, but back in the middle of Tumblr's heyday it was still a lawless zone. It was chaotic and exciting, with a mountain of all sorts of content that would be immediately banned today.

I was gathering only what was comfortable for me and using it as a base. I wanted to exist in that comfortable landscape. I had come to think that way. This desire is what led me to start taking photographs of myself as a subject, and it remains the same to this day.


GATA: 日本のサブカルチャーを多く取り入れた、とても個性的なビジュアルスタイルを持っているようですが、あなたのビジュアルの美学に影響を与えたものについて少し教えてください。

cityofbrokendolls: ビジュアルに限った話ではないのですが、十代前半の頃にTumblr上で出会ったカルチャーたちが自分のベースを形成したと思っています。今ではアダルトコンテンツや暴力的なコンテンツなどの規制が厳しいTumblrですが、その当時はまだ無法地帯、Tumblr 全盛期の真っ只中でした。今ではすぐにバンされてもおかしくないような様々なコンテンツが山のようにあり、混沌としていて刺激的でした。



GATA: Do you have a favourite costume or character that you portray?

cityofbrokendolls: It's hard to narrow it down to one, but I've been in the mood for rubber for a few years now. I bought my first rubber item as a birthday present to myself last year. There is a look in this shoot where I wore a rubber mask with blonde braids, and that mask was also a birthday present to myself at that time.

GATA: お気に入りのコスチュームやキャラクターはありますか?

cityofbrokendolls: 1つに絞り切れないのですが、ここ数年はラバールックの気分です。去年の誕生日に自分への誕生日プレゼントとして初めてラバーアイテムを購入しました。今回の撮影で金髪の三つ編みが付いているラバーマスクを着用したルックがありますが、そのマスクもその時に誕生日祝いとして自分にプレゼントしたものです。


Can you tell us a little bit about your photo zines as well as the other things you create?

cityofbrokendolls: I have produced several zines and photographic works. Some zines are not only of my own subjects, but also of landscapes that I have taken myself.

The only photo-zine that is currently available for purchase is the one I produced in 2021, but the work from this series (a series in which I am covered in black liquid and hair all over my body) is still a work that I have a lot of feelings about.

I co-created this piece with a friend. There were two types of zines at the time: a simple type that focused on the photograph without any decorative processing, and a one-of-a-kind type that was printed and decorated with hair, ashes and other decorative processing, such as sticking hair or ashes on the printed photograph.

I have experimented with various forms of expression, but I believe that this series is the culmination of the core of my own work.

GATA: フォトジンやその他の作品について少し教えてもらえますか?

cityofbrokendolls: これまでいくつかのジンや写真作品を製作してきました。自分自身が被写体になったものだけではなく、自分で撮った風景の写真だけを集めたジンなどもあります。





GATA: Recently, you’ve been playing at events as a DJ, what made you start this musical journey?

cityofbrokendolls: I started with the idea that “it would feel good to make a loud sound”. It's fresh and fun to try to express what has been expressed visually so far, and replacing it with sound.

GATA: 最近はDJとしてイベントに出演されていますが、DJを始めたきっかけは?



GATA: Your performance “white funeral” saw you pole dancing, how is this form of artistic expression different from your other creative pursuits and what attracted you to start pole dancing in the first place?

cityofbrokendolls: “White Funeral” was organised to mark a milestone in my own life. For many years I lived a life trapped by various ties, but after a long struggle I finally won my freedom from them. It was a spiritual struggle. The past self is buried and a new self is born. To say goodbye to my past self, I asked the audience to cut off a strand of my hair during this performance, and this is when I performed pole dancing for the first time.

I started my career in photographic expression as a model, but I gradually began to feel unsatisfied with only two-dimensional expression. I wanted to make the world in the photographs three-dimensional. This led me to a new form of expression: performance, which also includes pole dancing.

Pole dancing in particular allows you to enjoy the posing and composition of the dancers from 360° from various angles, which is fascinating because it gives you a feeling similar to when you admire a doll or a figure.

GATA: パフォーマンス「white funeral」ではポールダンスを披露されましたが、この芸術表現は他の創作活動とどのように違うのでしょうか?そもそもポールダンスを始めたきっかけは何ですか?

cityofbrokendolls:『White Funeral』は、自分自身の人生の節目を記念して開催しました。





GATA: Your performances are dark, moody and experimental; what inspires you to create them?

cityofbrokendolls: It may be dark and moody, but it feels like something that has always been at the root of my inner world.

I believe that performance is a form of expression that gives me the chance to involve the audience directly, unlike other forms of expression such as artwork modelling or DJing. In my previous performances, I have tried to interact with my audience in various forms, such as giving white feathers to people who gave me rubbish, as well having them cut my hair, and using the rubbish I received from them as performance tools.

GATA: あなたのパフォーマンスはダークで、ムーディーで、実験的ですが、どのようなインスピレーションを受けて創作しているのですか?

cityofbrokendolls: ダークでムーディなのかもしれないですが、それは自分の内面世界の根底に昔からあるもののように感じます。



GATA: Many of the photos that you take often take place in love hotels; what is it that attracts you to these locations?

cityofbrokendolls: There are many different types of love hotels, but I am attracted to old, aging love hotels. I really like old, rustic spaces, not just love hotels. I feel that the air in such spaces has a unique mass. It is an air that only a space that has been there for a long time can have.

Also, many old love hotels still have remnants of the bubble era, and they are gorgeous and decorative, like a fantasy. An extraordinary space that suddenly appears in the midst of reality. For me, love hotels are a refuge from the boredom of everyday life.

GATA: 撮る写真の多くはラブホテルで撮影されることが多いですが、このような場所に惹かれる理由は何ですか?

cityofbrokendolls: ラブホテルには色々な種類があるのですが、私はその中でも年季の入った古いラブホテルに惹かれます。ラブホテルに限らず、古くひなびた空間がとても好きです。そういった空間に漂う空気には独特な質量があるように感じます。長い時を重ねた空間だけがもつ空気。



GATA: As a Tokyo native, what does the city mean to you? How do you think growing up in Tokyo influenced you?

cityofbrokendolls: Tokyo, I like it. I think it is a dirty, cramped and chaotic city. A dirty city with a human smell. But that's what I love about it. I feel sympathy with myself when I walk along the streets and see things like piles of tired rubbish bags and broken fences. I think this kind of life will continue in the future, as if I were sneaking through the gaps between narrow buildings.

GATA: 東京出身者として、あなたにとって東京とは?東京で育ったことは、あなたにどのような影響を与えたと思いますか?

cityofbrokendolls: 東京、好きです。汚くて狭くて混沌とした街だと思っています。人間臭くて汚い街。でもそこに愛着がわきます。くたびれたゴミ袋の山とか、壊れたフェンスとか、道を歩いていて出会う色々なものに自分自身とのシンパシーを感じます。狭いビルの隙間をすり抜けてコソコソと生き抜くような、そういう生活がこれからも続くのだと思います。


GATA: What are your plans for the future? Is there anything that you would like to share with the GATA team?

cityofbrokendolls: I have a group exhibition in autumn and I am making accessories for it. This is the first time I'm making three-dimensional objects in earnest. I am looking forward to it because it is different from any other method of expression I have tried so far.

GATA: 今後の予定を聞かせてもらえますか?

cityofbrokendolls: 秋にグループ展があり、それに向けてアクセサリーを製作しています。立体を本格的に作ることは今回が初めてです。これまで試してきたどの表現方法とも異なるので楽しみです。


GATA: Here at GATA, we absolutely love cinema, do you have any films that you would like to share with us?

cityofbrokendolls: Picnic by Shunji Iwai. For me, it's a film I like to watch when I want to reset.

GATA: GATAは映画が大好きですが、私たちと共有したい映画はありますか?

cityofbrokendolls: 岩井俊二監督の『Picnic』。私にとって、自分自身を一旦リセットしたい時に観たくなる映画です。


GATA: Lastly do you have anything you would like to say or share with the GATA readers?

cityofbrokendolls: Thanks for reading! It would be great to see you at a performance sometime.

GATA: 最後に、GATA読者に伝えたいことはありますか?

cityofbrokendolls: 読んでくれてありがとうございます。いつかパフォーマンスで会えたら嬉しいです。


Model and Styling: cityofbrokendolls
Photography: James Elliott

ArtJames Elliott