FUKUROH NO KAMI - An Editorial by Solene Ballesta


"Fukuroh no Kami" project is reuniting Butoh dancers to tell us about a story based on the "Ainu Myth", passed down orally for centuries by the Ainu people, an indigenous population from the North of Japan. 

The sing and storytelling is performed by a classical Japanese lute called Biwa (played by Fumihiro Okazaki). Mythology, avant-garde art, and classical performing arts are intertwined. They are the echoes of our contemporary world. Where do people come from and where are they going? The meaning and significance of life is examined through the eyes of Kamui (the Owl God, interpreted by Kana Kitty). In today's chaotic society, we are scruting our own identity.


"Fukuroh no Kami -The owl god-"

Ainu myth × Dance × Biwa

More info IG

2022 December


Venue:銕仙会能楽研修所 Tessenkai-Nohgaku-Theater

4-21-29, Minami-Aoyama, Minatoku, Tokyo

[Director & Script writer]Ryuji Fukuyama

[Choreographer]Yu Yamamoto 

[Biwa Player]Fumihiro Okazaki

 [Performers]Kana Kitty / Itsuka Hizuki / Hinata Asanuma / Asami Moriuchi / Yu Yamamoto / Fumihiro Okazaki / Keisuke Kimoto / Mina Mizushima / Megumi Hoshino / Rion Watley / misa / Yumi Sagara / Kokoro Funaki / Kohei Wakaba / WUMA1 / Aone HAKKOKU Ugajin 



Shooting Credits
Photography by Solene Ballesta

ArtGATA Magazine