Ken & Sui. Rotten Words

“Rotten words“ is a 60 second movie about in-communication, how we communicate certain things to others, but in fact, we are subconsciously telling those things to ourselves.

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ArtGATA Magazine
karin kimel

karin kimel creates a new world, letting her mind flow in the process of creation.

human figures, creatures, objects... all of them lost in the most unusual scenes. a perfect example that shows that reality is what you can get away with. we talk with her about this. we dig a little more into her mind to tell you what inspires her to shape this universe. she shares her debut “Sun Down” exclusively for Gata Magazine.

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ArtGATA Magazine
A boy with Photos. A converstaion with Xiang Shouju

It's the early 90's, in Chongqing China and among 30 million inhabitants one little boy is dressing up barbie dolls in his room behind locked doors. From an early age he knew he was different as he didn't enjoy playing with the typical toys little boys played with such as toy guns and cars. His name is Xiang.

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