Rubber Doll by Sven Harambasic - CAN THE FLESH HAVE AN IDENTITY CRISIS?
It is common to think that multiplicities of existence only dwell in the mental realm, not the physical.
A body is a nomadic subject drowned in the flesh. The obsessive desire for disembodiment, reembodiment, revision, and escape constantly drives a body.
A body is a shield for information existing in it; its devalued materiality is jealous and haunted by the ideality and form of information it keeps inside. A desire to escape the body is a revenge plot to disrupt the hierarchy of material and immaterial.
A body is hyperfunctional, and dysfunction is the only way its function can be enhanced.
Bodily mutation, or metamorphosis, is a strategic malfunction intensifying the human experience.
The metamorphosis is violence. The act of bodily mutation is a radical self-expression, inherently violent because it disrupts the synthetic construct of natural order.
The metamorphosis is inescapable. Accomplishing metamorphosis means deterritorializing human form through infinite trial and error willingly. Otherwise, it will be involuntary.
Deterritorialization of the form leads to distortion and fetishization of flesh, creating narratives of repulsive fascination which emerge rhizomatically–amplifying the ideal anatomy of the information inside even further. Ironically. The highest state of delirium and aesthetic pleasure is achieved only through the anatomical synchronization of data and flesh. Total abandonment of the societal construct of self when data submits to flesh.
“What would it mean for a human to become more than human? One answer would be to discard the actual human body and embrace becoming a doll. ”
Data: Sven Harambasic
Flesh: Trisha Rubber Doll
Sven Harambasic is a Croatian artist and art director working in mixed-media and photography