THE ELEPHANT: A Meaning to Exist


THE ELEPHANT is a select shop based in Tokyo, that showcases some of the most interesting brands and designs to come out in recent times. Opening its doors in 2018, THE ELEPHANT has consistently provided the Tokyo fashion scene with clothes that express a fun, laid back and even at times punk attitude.

With its clean aesthetic and beautiful silhouettes, THE ELEPHANT has quickly cemented itself as the epicentre of understated cool in the Tokyo youth scene.

GATA recently had the honour of talking to the shop's owner, Kenta Orimi about the origins of THE ELEPHANT, his desire to find clothes with "meaning" and his ambitious plans for the future.

THE ELEPHANTは、東京を拠点としたセレクトショップ。最近の面白いブランドやデザインを紹介しています。2018年のオープン以来、THE ELEPHANTは一貫して東京のファッションシーンを提供してきました。遊び心のある、ゆったりとした、時にはパンクなアティチュードを表現した服を発表しています。そのクリーンな美学と美しいシルエットで、東京の若者のシーンにおける '控えめなクールさ' の代名詞として瞬く間にその地位を確立。GATAでは先日、オーナーの折見健太さんにTHE ELEPHANTについてお話を伺いました。THE ELEPHANTの原点、"意味のある服を求めて"、そしてその今後について語っています。

GATA: Hi Kenta, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about your history. What was your background before THE ELEPHANT? Were you already working in the fashion industry?

Kenta: I’ve been working as a vintage buyer since I was 18 years old, while I was attending university. After that I started to work as a buyer, where I began to buy both domestic and oversea designer brands. Now, I’ve started to make my own original clothes as THE ELEPHANT CUSTOM.

ガタ:健太さん、こんにちは。この度は貴重なお時間をいただき、ありがとうございます。健太さんの経歴を少しだけ教えていただけますか。THE ELEPHANTを立ち上げる前はすでにファッション業界でお仕事をされていたのですか?

健太:私は18歳の頃から大学に通いながらヴィンテージのバイヤーとして働いていました。その後、バイヤーとして国内外のデザイナーズブランドも買い付けるようになり、今はTHE ELEPHANT CUSTOMとしてオリジナルの洋服も作り始めています。

GATA: How did you first become interested in fashion?

Kenta: When I first came to Harajuku as a high school student, I was shocked by the people and  all the shops there.  Ever since then, I’ve continuously worked and played in this area of the city.



GATA: I really loved the designs you made for THE ELEPHANT CUSTOM. In particular the bleached jeans and the shirts with ties connected to them. It really made me smile, and reminded me that fashion should be fun, first and foremost. What was your inspiration while designing this collection?

Kenta: I hadn’t studied how to make clothes at all, so I just tried combining some second-hand clothes together. I focused on turning them into something interesting, with an artistic feel. I wanted people to experience and understand that fashion could be interesting, with a carefree and artistic feeling.

ガタ:「THE ELEPHANT CUSTOM」のデザインはとても素敵ですね。特にブリーチしたジーンズと、ネクタイを貼り付けたシャツを見た時には、自然と笑顔に。ファッションは楽しいことが第一であるべきだと気づかせてくれた瞬間でした。今回のコレクションをデザインする上で、どのようなインスピレーションを受けたのか教えていただけますか。

健太:私は洋服の作り方を全く勉強していないので、シンプルな古着をドッキングしてアート感覚で面白いものに変化させることに集中しました。またその気の抜けた感じや、アート的な感覚を通じて 'ファッションは面白いものだ' ということを感じてほしかったです。

GATA: Are there any designers or brands that have particularly influenced you in the past?

Kenta: Martin Margiela and Walter Van Beirendonck. Also, I’m particularly influenced by the designs of independent Japanese brands like UNDERCOVER from the late 90s through to the early 2000s.


健太:マルタン・マルジェラや、Walter Van Beirendonck、またUNDERCOVERなど90年代後半から2000代初期の日本のインディペンデントブランドのデザインに特に影響を受けています。

GATA: What quality or aspect do you look for, when you are searching for items to sell in your shop? You seem to have a talent for picking items that come from a wide range of brands and countries but still share a common aesthetic, mood or feeling.

Kenta: I’m a fashion “otaku” with wide interests.  I like items from various countries and tastes. THE ELEPHANT is a mixture of used clothing from the past, current designer brands and also remakes of old clothes.

I only select clothes that have a strong presence, that speak to me just by hanging on a hanger, or clothes that have been torn or broken and have a rebellious spirit (“PUNK MIND”) to them. So, I think it is natural that there is a sense of unity amongst the different items.

If the clothes don’t have a meaning to exist, then they won’t be purchased.

ガタ: ショップで販売するアイテムを探す際には、どのような点に注目していますか?様々なブランド、国のものを扱われていますが、その中でも共通の美学や雰囲気のあるアイテムを選ぶ才能に長けていらっしゃいますよね。

健太:私は幅の広いファッションオタクのような人間で、様々な国やテイストのアイテムが好きです。THE ELEPHANTには過去の古着と現在のデザイナーズブランド、そして古着のリメイクが混在しています。僕がハンガーにつってるだけで語りかけてくるような存在感のある洋服、裂かれていたり、壊されているような '反骨精神' (PUNK MIND)を感じる洋服のみセレクトしています。なので自然と多くのバリエーションがある中にも、統一感が生まれているのだと思います。存在する意味のある洋服でないと買付の対象になりません。

GATA: We are living in the middle of a global pandemic. As a result people are shopping online more than ever, through platforms like Depop or Taobao. How do you feel about this trend?

Kenta: I think it’s a good thing that people choose to wear vintage clothing in their own way, but I also think the distribution system in the fashion industry has received some damage because of it.



GATA: How do you think people view fashion in Tokyo compared to other major cities like New York, London or Paris for example? What is unique and special about Tokyo for you?

Kenta: There are some similar aspects to London. The young people of Tokyo are very free, especially the young people in Harajuku. They express their own personalities  very freely. I  think it’s one of the few cities where you feel that “fashion is fun”, as mentioned earlier.

I love the young people in Tokyo who wear the clothes they want, without worrying about what others think.


健太:ロンドンにも似た側面はありますが、東京の若者はとても自由で、特に原宿の若者は本当に自由に自分のパーソナリティーを表現しています。先ほども話したような、'ファッションは楽しいものだ' ということを感じることのできる数少ない都市だと思います。周りの目を気にせずに自分の着たい服をきる東京の若者が大好きです。

If the clothes don’t have a meaning to exist, then they won’t be purchased
— Kenta Orimi

GATA: What is your future vision for THE ELEPHANT?

Kenta: To participate in Fashion Week Tokyo with our own original clothes.

ガタ:「THE ELEPHANT」の今後のビジョンを教えてください。


GATA: At GATA we love cinema, could you please recommend a film that you love?

Kenta: ROMEO + JULIET (FROM 1996) All the clothes are from Prada!


Thank you for your time Kenta!

Interview by SAMO
Translation by Kanako Shiraishi

FashionGATA Magazine