Absurdity of the Mundane: The Cinema of HONG SANG-SOO

Chance encounters, an aversion to the rules and free-form writing are all ingredients that have formed the cinematic oeuvre of Hong Sang-soo. While essays have been written in attempts to deconstruct the code that is his body of work—in reality, his work is much more simple.

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CinemaJames Elliott
3D POETRY: A Conversation with EXPLOREHER

From the anonymity of the World Wide Web, the artist known as “ExploreHer” has created a whole universe; where poetry and digital art hold hands emotionally, to build a space of valiant, futuristic forms and compositions.

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ArtGATA Magazine

This December 25th we bid you explore the world of alternative Christmas movies.
Movies that will instil you with loneliness, darkness, and fear, yet have you unable to tear your eyes away from the screen. As this has been an alternative year, why not check out some alternative movies to match.

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CinemaGATA Magazine
Paradox of the Future: GATA introduces 00ZHANG

00 is a London-based multidisciplinary artist who is using the innovative and constantly evolving space of the digital “metaverse” as the nucleus for her own creations. Through the use of performance art, 3D rendering and video games, she is exploring the blurry line between the real and the constructed, between authenticity and fiction.

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ArtJames Elliott